Our Tasks

A glimpse of What We Do Here

"We’re not just about copyright. Here’s a quick overview of what else we’re up to."

Managing Deposits

Overseeing the submission and management of various types of academic content, including pre-prints, post-prints, theses, dissertations, and research articles.

Metadata Management and Quality Control

Creating and maintaining accurate metadata for all deposited content, ensuring proper indexing and discoverability, and performing quality checks to maintain the integrity of the repository.

Ensuring Access and Compliance

Making sure that the content in the repository is accessible according to institutional policies and copyright regulations, and ensuring compliance with open access mandates.

Repository Management Section

The Beauties Behind the Shadows

Airin Noor Ab Majid


Noorahzianti Arif

Senior Librarian Assistant

Nurul Fadzillah Baharim

Librarian Assistant

Azlina Othman

Senior Librarian (On Leave)